
Lyric Quartet Concert
On the evening of Saturday, November 16th, an appreciative audience of over 50 hugely enjoyed a brilliant concert given by Trish Calnan and the Lyric Quartet. In addition to quartets by Mozart and Ravel the group played a very entertaining piece entitled 'The Bull Fighter's Prayer.' The concert was organized by the Friends of St Peter's and raised getting on for £600 towards the Servery/Toilet project, thanks to the generosity of the musicians.

Deanery Service at St Peter's
The well-attended Woodleigh Deanery Archdeacon's 'Visitation' Service, at which churchwardens are officially admitted to their office, was held on Wednesday, July 17th, on a beautiful summer's evening. The focus of the service was on making children and young people welcome in our churches. In his address Archdeacon Douglas commended weekday toddler groups where the little ones ran around a now familiar church building, secure in their relationship with church members and at ease in their surroundings. He also spoke of the value of Open the Book for giving a new generation an awareness of the Bible, lacking in their parents.

Fathers' Day
On June 16th, Fathers' Day, Revd Matt led a short, informal service for all the family. There were croissants and bacon rolls, as well as coffee, tea and squash, to welcome people as they arrived and toys were put out for the toddlers.
In the afternoon the wind dropped and the sun shone for a very enjoyable Songs of Praise on Blackpool Beach. Tea and cake were served first and as the singing ended everyone trooped to the water's edge where Chelsea and Ricky were baptised in the sea by Revd Matt (assisted by his wife Beth).

Ascension Day
After the United Benefice Ascension Day Holy Communion Service, supper was served at the back of church. A choice of home made soups with rolls was followed with cheeses, biscuits and grapes and rounded off with coffee. People from the different churches much enjoyed the chance to share a meal together.
Mothering Sunday
Well over 50 people, including lots of small children were in St Peter's for the special Mothering Sunday Service on March 10th. Tea, coffee, squash, croissants and bacon rolls were served from 9.30 and the Little Stars had many of their toys out at the front. There was a relaxed and happy atmosphere. Everyone enjoyed it and people were in no hurry to leave after the service, during which beautiful bunches of flowers, prepared by Jenny Harris, were given by the children to their Mums.

Revd Matt Gorton
was licensed as Priest-in-Charge of the Coast and Country Mission Community by Rt Revd James Grier, Bishop of Plymouth, at a well attended and joyful service at St Andrew's, East Allington, on Tuesday, August 1st. Archdeacon Douglas then duly installed Matt. The service was followed by a delicious hog roast.
Revd Matt, with his wife and children, and Bishop James.

Little Stars Picnic
To celebrate at the end of the school year the Mums organized a splendid picnic in the village playpark on Monday, July 17th. There were cake and pastries as well as coffee and tea. The weather was ideal, sunny but not too hot; there was a big turnout, the children had a great time playing and the adults talking.
'All aboard' with Heather, Peter and Sue.

Choral Evensong
A large congregation enjoyed a full Choral Evensong sung by Chorus Ecclesiae on Sunday June 25th. Licensed Lay Minister Jenny Harris led the service, Janet Dietz was the organist and the choir of over 20 was conducted by Ian Curror.

Ascension Day
A special service was held at 7pm on Ascension Day, Thursday 18th May, led jointly by our LLMs Jenny Harris and Peter Barker. The congregation which included members of the other 3 churches in the Benefice sat together in the chancel and much enjoyed singing Ascension Day hymns, accompanied by Janet Dietz on the organ. Afterwards a simple supper of soup, rolls, biscuits, cheese and grapes was served at the back of church.

Talk on Churchyards by David Curry
On Tuesday, May 16th, at 6pm FoSP organised the first of what is planned to be a series of St Peter's Soirees. After drinks served at the back of church, David Curry, the Diocesan expert on environmental matters gave a fascinating and informative talk on Devon's Living Churchyards, with copious illustrations.

Rogation Day
Once again the weather was fine for our special open air Rogation Service on Sunday, May 13th. At each location, in church, field, Sanders' garden and churchyard there were readings, hymns and prayers as we thanked God for the wonders of his creation and prayed for farms, gardens, the environment and the community.

Visit of Bishop of Plymouth
A large congregation of adults and children enjoyed the Palm Sunday Service led by Bishop James. Little Morwenna was baptized by the bishop and warmly welcomed by the congregation which included several fellow 'Little Stars'. in his address Bishop James referred to Plymouth Argyle as well as to the crowds who supported Jesus on Palm Sunday but deserted him on Good Friday. Jesus calls us all to follow him faithfully through the tough times as well as the good times.
Donation for Earthquake Relief
After special collections at Sunday Services St Peter's has donated £400.70 through the Disasters Emergency Committee for the relief of earthquake victims in Turkey and Syria.

On Wednesday 14th December Stoke Fleming Primary School Year 1-3 children performed Jack in the Beanstalk in St Peter's. The church was amazingly transformed with 'bean' plants all along the pillars and up the gallery. The children sang and acted with great enthusiasm and the hugely impressive performance was enjoyed by a large audience.
Next day the older children were in church with their parents, siblings and grandparents for their very enjoyable Carol Concert. On the Friday morning the whole school came to St Peter's for their Christingle Service led by the Open the Book team who presented the Christmas drama Just Hoping.
(photos by Claire Gillo and approved by the School)

Living Churchyard Project
In early December volunteers from the Living Churchyard Group planted some 900 Tete-a-Tete Daffodil bulbs in the banks either side of the path leading to the Church porch. The project is being supported by the Friends of St Peter's who paid for the bulbs. More bulbs have since been donated by Gardentime. These, it is planned, will be planted by the path along the north side of the Church. Certainly something to look out for around March!

Remembrance Sunday
This year the well attended Remembrance Service was led by the Archdeacon of Totnes, Ven. Douglas Dettmer. The names of the fallen were read as usual by Mr Mike Jordan. At the end of the Service wreaths were laid at the War Memorial. (Photos by Barry Morris)

Armistice Day
The Annual Two Minutes' Silence and short service of Remembrance took place at the War Memorial in St Peter's Churchyard at 11am on November 11th. A score or so of adults were joined by the senior pupils of Stoke Fleming School who planted crosses in the banks beside the path leading to the Church.

Coffee Morning
A Coffee Morning in aid of St Peter's was held at the Stoke Lodge Hotel on Thursday, November 3rd. Many thanks to all who contributed cakes etc, to the Hotel staff and to the Stoke Fleming School Ukulele Band who provided delightful entertainment under the direction of Mr Peter Beamish. (Photo by Barry Morris)

After almost six year's as Rector of the Coast and Country Mission Community Revd Alison conducted her final service in St Peter's on July 31st. A large congregation, from the parish, the benefice and beyond, joined in thanking her and wishing her well as she received several presentations; the service was followed by a communal lunch in church. In her sermon Alison commended generosity and said how much she had enjoyed her time here. She will certainly be hugely missed. She is moving to Cornwall close to her daughter and grandsons. (Photos by Barry Morris)

St George's flag was flying from the new flagpole. Jenny Harris had created a beautiful Easter Garden on one of the windowsills. We welcomed a good number of visitors at the Easter Morning Service. The Family Easter Treasure Hunt at Blackpool in the afternoon was much enjoyed and 75 eggs were awarded.
FOSP Donates Money for the New Flagpole

Friends of St Peter's, represented by David Holmes, Chairman (L) and Tim Hailstone, Treasurer, presented a cheque to Rev. Alison on 15 Feb, to pay for the new flagpole.
It has been intended to fly the Union flag on the new pole for the first time on Accession Day (6 Feb), but unfortunately it was deemed too windy on the day. So the first use will have to wait for the next suitable occasion.
New Flag Pole

The new flag pole was erected by Creekside Marine in perfect weather on January 21st. It was financed by the Friends of St Peter's in memory of the late Duke of Edinburgh. We thank the Friends, and all who took part in last summer's photo competition which was held by the Friends to raise funds for this.
(Photos by John Dietz)
Christmas Tree Festival

Festival Organisers, Shirley and Caroline, presented Nick from Dartmouth Caring with a cheque for £850 following the highly successful Christmas Tree Festival held on Friday to Sunday, December 10-12.
Church funds benefitted with a similar amount. There were over 600 visitors and a number of new sponsors joined old hands decorating trees with the usual wonderful creativity and imagination.
Photo by Barry Morris

Benefice Weekend at Lee Abbey

All 4 Churches in the Coast and Country Benefice were represented in the group that gathered at Lee Abbey on November 19th for a Renew, Refresh, Resource Weekend hosted by the Warden and the Lee Abbey Community. As well as worship and teaching on 'God's Power' there was plenty of time to enjoy the warm hospitality, to explore the beautiful grounds and simply to chat. We returned hoping to go again next spring!
Remembrance Sunday
The Annual Remembrance Sunday Service was held in St Peter's on November 14th, led by Reader Peter Barker, and wreaths were laid at the war memorial in the churchyard by Sir Geoffrey Newman, Cllr Marion Holmes, Jason Wallace, Karen Moseley and Julie Duthie. Jenny Harris had decorated the Church with some beautiful arrangements of poppies.
Photos by Barry Morris.
Coffee morning - Saturday 25 September

A coffee morning with cream teas was held in the church on Saturday, 25 September. As an added attraction there was the opportunity to take a guided tour of the church tower to learn about bellringing, to see the bells and the workings of the clock and to admire the view from the tower roof. The latter was somewhat disappointing as there was heavy mist all morning, and we weren't able to see the ground, let alone Start Bay. One group came in the afternoon and had a better experience!
With the bric-a-brac stall, raffle, tour tours and teas a total of £376 was raised for church funds - a worthwhile effort.
Our thanks to Alison, and to all the volunteers who made the morning a success. If you are interested in a tower tour please e-mail HERE
Songs of Praise on Blackpool Sands - September 5th

As recently as the previous Tuesday the weather forecast had been dire, but - praise God! - the afternoon of Sunday, 5th September, was dry, warm and still (!), albeit misty, for Songs of Praise on the beach (by kind permission of the Newman family).
Christians from Stoke Fleming were joined by others from the Benefice and beyond (especially Dartmouth) and several beachgoers joined in too. Chris and Kate kept up the flow of cups of tea and lots of cake was served by Rosemary and Shirley. Ken provided the PA system and Frank and Karl accompanied the singing on trombone and guitar. Peter introduced the 'Songs' (How great Thou art; Knowing you, Jesus; For those in peril on the sea; My Lighthouse; Will your anchor hold in the storms of life? and There is a Redeemer.) and Revd Alison said a prayer and blessing.
Many thanks to all who helped and participated.
Catching up with CMS Partners, Grace and Festo

At our United Benefice Service in Strete at the end of August we had the joy of catching up with Grace and Festo Kanungha, and their children Zephaniah, William and Hannah. Grace told us a little about the circumstances of their move from Tanzania to Cornwall (and long separation because of the pandemic before Festo was able to join the family in the UK).
After much prayer and heart-searching they had felt called to continue with CMS and the opportunity had opened for them to do pioneer work with children and young people in Liskeard.
Rogation Sunday - Sunday 9 May

Celebrating Rogationtide on Sunday May 9th, we were blessed with beautiful sunny weather. After starting the service in the Church, Jenny Harris led us on a journey to a field replete with buttercups, through the beautiful Sanders garden and back through the churchyard to the war memorial. On the way we stopped at different places for appropriate hymns and readings. We prayed for crops, animals and gardens, farmers, seafarers and villagers. We gave thanks for earth and water, and for those who came before us. It was a lovely opportunity to acknowledge and enjoy God’s many blessings to us in our surroundings here in Stoke Fleming.
Stoke Fleming "Big Cream Tea" - Saturday 8 May

COVID restrictions meant we couldn’t actually eat together (and gale force wind and rain kept us from our gardens) but no fewer than 50 cream teas were much enjoyed in Stoke Fleming on Saturday, May 8th. Including some generous donations £401 was raised for St Peter’s. Many thanks to Revd Alison, Jenny Harris and Sue Walford who baked the scones, to Rosemary Minshall and Rokie Shiffner who sorted the other items and to Hazel and Alan Smith who delivered many of the teas.
On Saturday morning at the back of church the team assembled the teas in attractively labelled bags ready for collection or delivery
Treasure Hunt - Easter Sunday 2021

On Easter Sunday afternoon St Peter’s, along with the Flavel Church and Dartmouth Anglican Churches, organised a Family Easter Treasure Hunt on Blackpool Sands (by kind permission of the Newman family). We were blessed with beautifully calm and sunny weather.
Participants, in socially distanced family groups, followed clues in rhyming couplets to different locations across the beach all linked with Jesus’ death and resurrection. At each location there was information about that part of the story and a question to answer. Letters from the answers could then be rearranged to form the special message ‘He is Risen’ which won the prize. 91 chocolate Easter Eggs were awarded and the event was greatly enjoyed by both children and adults. (Photos: Peter Barker)